DJI Phantom Range Extender / Booster for DJI Phantom 4, DJI Phantom 3

DJI Phantom Range Extender / Booster for DJI Phantom 4, DJI Phantom 3

  • Vendor:Phantom 3
  • Category: Phantom 3, Phantom 3
Availability: Out Stock
R 995.00
Sold Out


I’m sure you’ve been there before: Flying your drone when you hear the infamous beeping.  Warning you that you are almost out of range. For some reason, this always seems to happen to me just as I’m getting close to the perfect shot.

I don’t know about you, but losing connection is the 2nd to the last thing I want to do while flying my drone. Losing my drone would rank #1!

There are different views on the effectiveness of purchasing radio antenna boosters. However, a majority of people agree that these definitely improve the distance, especially the video signal. For the small price you’ll pay, it’s a small risk compared to the huge investment you have made in your Phantom 3&4 DJI DRONE.

For example, Hokie115 has benchmarked the flying distance repeatedly on the same flight path, with and without the SKYREAT DJI Phantom Range Extender. Without the radio antenna extender, he gets about a mile out before the video starts to drop out. With the range booster, he can easily travel over 3 miles without any loss of video or a reduction in the signal!

At this point, you’re basically risking whether or not you have enough battery life to make it back.

It’s important to note that once you start to get past a mile, you need to make sure you keep the transmitter pointed at your drone. If you turn away, it may lose connection.